Commercial solar


Business throughout India are taking control of their energy needs and lowering operating costs by installing solar and energy storage systems. With financial incentives still available, making to switch to renewable energy gives you the opportunity to experience immediate cash flow savings.

Smart Strategy For Business

Making use of solar energy is a smart strategy for any business. By installing solar panels you can essentially lock in a low electricity rate for years to come, with a very favorable return on your investment. Commercial solar power is not limited to corporate giants; installation prices have dropped by over 50% since 2012, and small businesses can easily attain solar installations that create significant savings.

Furthermore, it is a great opportunity, here at the beginning of our country’s transition to renewable energy, to distinguish your business from others by leading in sustainability. By investing well for your company, you will also be investing in the well-being of future generations, and many Americans today are interested supporting businesses that give back. Going solar makes a powerful statement that the success of your business is in harmony with our environment.

Net Metering

The cornerstone of grid-tied solar electric systems is the policy of net metering, where the utility is mandated by state law to purchase electricity generated by the business and to offer compensation (in the form of a credit) on future electric bills. There are limits to the size of a system which is net-metered, which varies state-by-state, though practical considerations (like how much solar fits on your roof) usually come up before state limits are reached.

Solving your energy needs

Omesa is at the heart of the global transition towards lower carbon and more sustainable forms of power generation, helping individuals, businesses and communities of all sizes to become distributed energy champions. Want to know more?