

Omesa is a segment of the workforce that has specialized know-how, training, and experience to carry out more complex physical, or mental tasks than routine job functions. Skilled labor is generally characterized by higher education, expertise levels attained though training and experience, and will likewise correspond with higher wages.
Omesa for Technology Transfer

The cost of Manufacturing, operations and maintenance (O&M) requires a large allocation of budget. Hiring OMESA manpower is an effective solution, our Engineers have over Two decades of experience in providing Manufacturing and design services to a diversified client portfolio of companies, including some of the largest wind manufacturers listed below
Our goal as a Independent Manpower is to deliver the highest in customer care and Manufacturing turbine components so that they surpass performance standards and are fully operational for longer than expected. Our crews can provide support for your current Production staff or fully manage Design and Manufacturing responsibilities. Contact us today to learn how we can provide reliable and affordable Manpower.

Technicians for Wind Farm

When wind turbine components fail under warranty, it’s easy and cheap to work with the OMSA to repair. But when components are off-warranty, replacement parts are expensive and can cost wind farms millions of Rupees. In addition to the exorbitant cost of parts, wind farms lose money with every minute a turbine is offline. OMESA is a leader in providing repair services for wind farms. 

Our technicians are trained in advanced technology solutions and skilled in an array of wind farm maintenance services. Our teams can repair turbine components rapidly and efficiently, sparing you the cost of replacement parts and getting turbines online as quickly as possible.

Technicians for Wind Farm

When wind turbine components fail under warranty, it’s easy and cheap to work with the OMSA to repair. But when components are off-warranty, replacement parts are expensive and can cost wind farms millions of Rupees. In addition to the exorbitant cost of parts, wind farms lose money with every minute a turbine is offline. OMESA is a leader in providing repair services for wind farms. 

Our technicians are trained in advanced technology solutions and skilled in an array of wind farm maintenance services. Our teams can repair turbine components rapidly and efficiently, sparing you the cost of replacement parts and getting turbines online as quickly as possible.

Solving your energy needs

Omesa is at the heart of the global transition towards lower carbon and more sustainable forms of power generation, helping individuals, businesses and communities of all sizes to become distributed energy champions. Want to know more?